Contact Us

Accessibility and Disability

  • We want to get better at communicating with our patients.
  • We want to make sure you can read and understand the information we send you.
  • We want to know if you need information in braille, large print or easy read. We want to know if you need a British Sign Language interpreter or advocate.
  • We want to know if we can support you to lipread or use a hearing aid or communication tool.
  • If you or someone you know finds it hard to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments, please let us know.
  • If you or someone you know has any impairment and/or difficulties when in the practice, we would be pleased to discuss how we can best meet your needs.

Disabled Access

  • The surgery is designed to allow easy access for wheelchairs.
  • We have disabled parking spaces
  • An induction loop system is fitted at reception for those with hearing aids 
  • Electric doors will open automatically when you approach the surgery main entrance
  • There is a lowered counter in the centre of our reception desk

image of toilet sign, wheelchair, baby changing and arrow
Jackson Street
Day Opening hours
Friday 14 February
8am to 6:30pm